ECO Studies would like to thank its many partners and sponsors for their support
ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS: RBG has been a dedicated partner in ensuring that ECO Studies students have the oppotunity to learn emersed in the natural world. The RBG Arboretum serves as our outdoor clasroom and the cooperation, support and dedication of all RBG staff connected to our program contnuously helps to enhance the ECO Studies experience.
HALTON LEARNING FOUNDATION: HLF has been a huge help in ensuring ECO Studies is able to provide enhanced learning oprotunites for students in the program. Most recetly HLF provided funds to update handheld GPS units for use in outdoor navigation and aid in each student's completion of the National Green Check GPS Certification.
GOSLING FOUNDATION: Through essential funding from the Gosling Foundation ECO Studies has been able to acquire class sets of outdoor education equipment including tents, stoves, cook sets, hiking back packs, sleeping pads, water filtration equipment and much more. This equipment has been essential in offereing students with the breadth of experiential learning opportunites that currently exist as part of ECO Studies.
ATTRIDGE TRANSPORTATION: ECO Studies would like to thank Attridge Transportaiton for their ongoing generous support in providing subsidised transportation to and from the Royal Botanical Gardens Nature Centre. Without this assistance it would be impossible to access our outdoor classroom three afternoons per week.
Biodiversity Education Awareness Network (BEAN): BEAN has assisted ECO Studies with funds to support the ongoing habitat restoration projects undertaken annually by the ECO Studies class.